Friday, August 26, 2011


 Today, my sister, Nicole, is 21!  She's a very special woman and I pray that her life today and always is filled with all the things she deserves and desires.
I could go on about how I remember "Coley" when she was cute and little, but you see, my sister is still cute and little. Sheis one of those lucky people who could look as young as she would like.  She'll appreciate this someday. 

At the same time, she is beautiful and fashion forward.  She can certainly look older than her age if she chooses too.  She makes everything she wears more special.
She grew up dealing with siblings nearly 10 years older.  I know I have been a mom to her more than the sister and friend she wanted.  The latter two parts of our relationship are getting stronger as we get older and it's a privilege to be her friend.
Although most young adults her age are preoccupied with their own lives, she genuinely misses her niece and nephew and is excited to see them each time.  They certainly think she's special too.  Deane love his "Tia Coltey". 
She's busy this week handling recruitment at her sorority at the University of Iowa so she won't have the uninterrupted focus on this milestone that most young people enjoy, but I'm sure that her friends there will recognize her for how special she is.
Happy Birthday to my beautiful sister (inside and out), Cole Baby Sister!
I wish I had the eloquency to write the tribute she deserves, but in the meantime, this video will have to serve as a explanation to what's like to have a sister like mine.

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