Thursday, August 18, 2011

School Step 1

On Wednesday, August 17th, we visited the elementary school for the first time.  We visited the "at risk" and "special education" classrooms which are the only school based programs available.  Our options for schooling are the following:

1. Attend public preschool and receive services by likely receiving an IEP (individualized education plan).  We can still of course receive additional private services or ask for a modified attendance (fewer hours, services only).

2. Create some modified schedule/service plan other than full time attendance also through qualification for an IEP.

3. Attend private preschool and pay for services privately.

4. Keep Deane home for another year or more, teaching him myself in addition to private services.

We have to weigh so many things in making this decision with Deane's and our family's overall well being the primary focus.  Well being is obviously hard to define, we are looking at the progress he has made with different types of therapy, happiness, stress level, financial implications, goals of each environment and how they cooridnate to ours, etc.

I found the local elementary school environments very positive and look forward to learning more and taking the next step.

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