Sunday, September 25, 2011

Making Memories

Some kiddo updates from the last few days...

Around 11AM earlier this week, Deane said "Eat Pizza".  (Side note: Deane doesn't eat pizza.  He has eaten some crust in the last year, but no pizza.).  I asked "You want to eat pizza?"  He said, "Yes".  I asked if he wanted to make pizza as I had bought some whole wheat mini crusts this week.  I sat him on the counter, he spread out his sauce and added his cheese.  We talked about how the cheese would melt in the oven and when it came out, he actually ate it! 
Kate thinks it is hilarious to climb the stairs, but she is so interested in my reaction that she looks back and would of course fall if I weren't immediately behind her.  Unfortunately our stairs are awkwardly shaped at the bottom and until we come up with a more permanent solution, I have created a "fence" using chairs...super sophisticated. 
I love, love, love crisp Fall mornings.  Here, it's so pretty to see the fog rolling off the lake.  I couldn't capture it well, but I really love it.

I'm claiming "Ba Ba" as Kate's official first word.  Although she says "Ma Ma" and "Da Da", I know she is acutely aware of what a ba ba is.  She immediately starts saying it repeatedly when she sees one or I ask if she wants one.
When Deane gets into something, he really get into it.  Right now, there a couple new shows he is always asking to watch.  On an episode of Word World, they spell Rocket and apparently this really stuck with him so it's his new favorite word to spell.  We don't think Deane can read (although there have been some weird instances like when he called a band-aid "Johnson" as in Johnson & Johnson), but he does well as memorizing spelling.  At the Autism Center, he wanted to spell Rocket on the white board...over and over and over.  It was pretty cute.
And this one is wild and crazy and delightful and sweet.  She loves to make us laugh and to laugh loudly herself.
Deane fell asleep on the couch today...a very rare nap unless we are in the car for a long period of time.  I had to snap a shot.

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