Friday, July 15, 2011

4th of July

For the second year (our second in this house), we hosted a Lee family fireworks party.  In the top five coolest things about living here would be that the fireworks are shot off from the dam between the lake we live on and the larger lake.  It's about 100 yards from our backyard.  It's one of the only private (authorized) fireworks displays in our area.  We feel so lucky and we love that others want to enjoy it with us. 

By this point, I had lost my sweater to baby spit up, but the rest of them look cute :)
When I was growing up in Aledo and for several years after, we always sat on the 3 tee at Oakview Country Club with the Lee family.  From the time my parents put in a pool, this always followed an all day swimming party.  I have memories of swimming days at Aunt JoJo's pool and homemade ice cream made by Larry and/or Jim, but they are just general summer memories to me and I'm not sure it was specific to the 4th.  Before we moved here, Aledo decided to move the fireworks from the hillside at the high school football field to the fairgrounds creating an opening to offer for the Lees to join us here.  Maybe this party will get bigger, but this was a good start.

The original "little sister", Coley, and the new "little sister", Kate
 In 2010, we had a homemade ice cream bar, but this year I wanted to try some other things too.  So our menu some new things...

caramel corn, chocolate covered strawberries, salsa, but we kep the vanilla ice cream.

I had fun decorating the mantle for the 4th this year too.  One of the framed photos is a free printable found here.  I made my flag with paint color samples, stars cut on my Cricut and Modge Podge.

Here's the link for the scalloped garland tutorial.  I used pinking shears on my circles.

Doesn't he look happy to be having his picture taken!
 It was a great 4th!  Separate posts about the rest of the 4th weekend and Deane's fireworks experience to follow.

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